Insurance & Rhinoplasty
Health Insurance Coverage & Rhinoplasty
Does health insurance cover rhinoplasty?
Most health insurance plans do not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures. That is not to say that health insurance never covers rhinoplasty. If you have had health problems caused by your nasal passages, and septoplasty / rhinoplasty are recommended to correct the condition, your insurance may cover the cost of the procedure.
If, on the other hand, you are seeking rhinoplasty for purely cosmetic reasons, odds are heavily against having the procedure covered by your medical insurance. [Side note: My rhinoplasty was covered by my medical insurance. This is the exception and not the rule.
Rhinoplasty - Quick Topic Navigation
To learn more about Rhinoplasty, please click on the sections below.
- Rhinoplasty- Introduction
- Who is getting rhinoplasty?
- Who Should Not Get Rhinoplasty
- Risks & Complications of Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty Costs and Prices
- Health Insurance & Rhinoplasty (you are here)
- Choosing a surgeon for rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty Consultation Checklist
- Preparing for Rhinoplasty
- Anesthesia & Rhinoplasty
- The Rhinoplasty Procedure
- Recovering from Rhinoplasty
- Resuming Normal Activity/Back To Work
- Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos