Fat Injections

Fat Injections

Microlipoinjection, Fat Transfer or Fat Grafting

Fat Injections (a.k.a. "Fat Grafting" or "Fat Transfer")

Injection of one’s own fat to correct skin defects is called microlipoinjection.  The procedure is also referred to as "fat transfer" or "fat grafting."  This procedure involves transferring fat from one body area to another. With a tiny needle, a surgeon is able to extract then reinject fat into a selected site. By using one’s own fat, the risk of an allergic reaction is eliminated.

Fat injections are approved by the FDA for adding volume to the face, filling wrinkles and lines on the face and around the lips.

In most cases, this method has had longer lasting results than those achieved by other dermal fillers. In some cases, the results have been permanent.


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