Facelift Surgery
An Introduction To Facelifts
Facelift cosmetic plastic surgery - An introduction
While many people think they understand facelift surgery, the fact is that much of the knowledge that's out there is based on old information. Between the late 1980's and today, the facelift procedure has evolved and improved significantly. Early facelift surgeries focused exclusively on tightening the patient's facial skin. This led to an improved appearance, but since only the skin and not the underlying support layers of fat and muscle were addressed, the results tended to look somewhat artificial.
Today's facelift surgery addresses both the skin and its underlying support system. In addition to removing excess skin, the plastic surgeon also tightens the facial muscles and removes excess fat.
A commonly held misconception is that a facelift treats the entire face. Facelift surgery addresses the lower part of your face, around your nose, your chin, and your neck. It is quite common to see a facelift combined with other cosmetic surgeries to attend to other areas of the face such as the eyes, the forehead, or the nose.
Having a facelift won't stop the aging process. It can, however, help to turn back the clock to a younger you. (Of course, the clock continues to run....)
Facelift - Quick Topic Navigation
Please click on "Next" to find out who is eligible for a Facelift. Â Or for other topics about Facelifts, see below.
- Facelifts-Overview
- Introduction - Facelifts (you are here)
- Who Is Getting A Face Lift?
- Facelift Cost & Price Information
- Choosing a Surgeon For Your Facelift
- Your Facelift Consultation
- Facelift Consultation Checklist
- Preparing for Your Facelift
- Anesthesia For Your Facelift
- Your Facelift Procedure
- Facelift Recovery - The First Days
- Preparing Your Facelift Recovery Area
- Facelift Recovery - Getting Back To Normal
- Before & After Facelift Photos