The Laser Skin Rejuvenating Procedure

The Laser Skin Rejuvenation Procedure

Treatment & Procedure Overview

The Laser Skin Rejuvenation Procedure

Laser skin treatments take approximately 30 – 40 minutes per session in most cases. If your surgeon is treating a large area, it may take a little longer. If you are undergoing spot treatment such as that used to remove small scars, then the time required is less. The number of sessions you require will depend on your goals and what your plastic surgeon recommends to achieve those goals. To a certain extent, the number of sessions also depends on the equipment your plastic surgeon will be using and on the type of recovery that suits your lifestyle.

Laser Peels Are Generally Performed As Outpatient Procedures

Laser skin rejuvenation is usually performed on an outpatient basis at your plastic surgeon’s office or at a laser treatment center your plastic surgeon uses. You will need to arrive early so that the plastic surgeon or his nurse can apply a topical anesthetic to the area to be treated. This topical anesthetic requires up to sixty minutes to achieve its full numbing effects. You may also receive an oral analgesic (pain killer), a local anesthetic nerve block or, for those patients who do not want to be awake or who require very deep treatment, general anesthesia may be an option.


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